Hall of Fame

The Montini Catholic High School Alumni Hall of Fame was established to recognize graduates that have demonstrated outstanding achievements in one of or a combination of the following areas:

  1. Exceptional academic ability exhibited while at Montini Catholic High School or in college.

  2. Exceptional athletic ability exhibited while at Montini Catholic High School, in college or as a professional athlete.

  3. Exceptional leadership exhibited while at Montini Catholic High School, in college and/or their chosen profession.

  4. Exceptional positive impact for Montini Catholic High School, through leadership shown in the business, professional or civic community.

  5. Exceptional contribution to Montini Catholic High School, through continual active participation and engagement in school and alumni projects and events.

To be considered by the Hall of Fame Committee, a nomination form/letter must be formally submitted to the Montini Catholic Alumni Office. Nominees must have graduated from Montini Catholic at least 5 years prior to their nomination being submitted. 

Nomination Form

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