Montini Catholic's National Honor Society (St. Pope Paul VI Chapter) will proudly induct forty new student members on Thursday, October 27th at the Lasallian high school's NHS Induction Ceremony for the 2022-23 school year.
The inductees will join 39 returning members of the society. Membership in the National Honor Society represents the highest honor and trust bestowed upon a student during their junior/senior year of high school. The National Honor Society recognizes students for outstanding scholarship, character, leadership, and service.
We are honored to recognize that 34% of our junior and senior classes are members of this prestigious academic community.
Montini Catholic National Honor Society members are the leaders of their class and represent the very qualities the society is built on - Character, Scholarship, Leadership, and Service. Members are responsible for organizing and enlisting school participation in various events during the school year including the school's Golden Gobbler Thanksgiving Food Drive in November, their Adopt-A-Family Christmas Drive in December and the annual Blood Drive for Vitalant, held in January.
The minimum requirement for membership in the Montini Catholic High School chapter of the NHS is a 4.0 cumulative GPA at the end of their sophomore year. All students achieving a 4.0 GPA at the end of their sophomore (or junior) year receive the opportunity to petition for membership in NHS.
When applying, students are asked to detail their qualifications in the areas of Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character. Students meeting all the requirements are then invited to become members in the NHS in the fall of their junior or senior year.
Once accepted into the NHS, students are required to maintain high scholastic standards, act as true leaders of the school and perform ten hours of community service each year (in addition to the service hours required for graduation (40).
Congratulations to Montini Catholic's NHS 22-23 Inductees:
Jasmin Baker-Rohlehr
Alexa Bauman
Elizabeth Beirne
Gabriel Bianco
Quinn Boyer
Emma Canty
Colleen Considine
Fabian Deleon
Anjay Dhir
Anthony Dinkel
Alyssa Epps
Marin Ferris
Hugh Flannery
Frank Flores
Hailey Goetz
Jasmine Gonzaga
Ava Goree
Erin Grimsley
Kassandra Gutierrez
Eleanor Helm
Samuel Hemmersmeier
Mariella Herrmann
Natalie Matulis
Thira Minauskas
Nicole Navas
Rory O’Connor
Carla Osorio Palomino
Lucy Pacelli
Sarah Paradis
Daniel Petersen
Michael Pogorelec
Cecily Polanco
Lucy Rizzi
Tanner Sebben
Trinity Smith
Kevin Snyder
Cole Stumbaugh
Jacob Velazquez
Thomas White III
Riley White
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