Support Montini with a no-selling fundraiser. Purchase gift cards through Raise Right at face value and Montini orders the cards through Raise Right at a reduced price. The difference is an instant rebate for the school and YOU! Raise Right offers over 750 brands including grocery, department store, gas stations, restaurants, hotels home improvement and more.

Let's Get Started!

How do I register and start shopping?

You can register/shop through the mobile app, online or both.

  • Mobile App: Raise Right, search for the App in the App store. Download the app.
  • Website: Visit to register. 
    NOTE: If you are new to the program, please contact
    Mrs. Schumerth for the access code.

I've registered now what?

Unlike Manna, you can shop any day of the week and have your order sent to you via e-cards, sent to your Raise Right Mobile Wallet or have physical gift cards shipped directly to you (for a small fee and a limit of up to 16 cards sent at one time). Also different, is that no cards will be sent to Montini for disbursement (unless a special date has been set by the school, currently we will be allowing ship to school orders for December 9th).

What types of stores are available?

There are over 750 brands available including: Jewel, Mariano's, Starbucks, Amazon, Chipotle, Bed, Bath and Beyond, Buffalo Wild Wings, CVS, Groupon, Home Depot, Best Buy, Kohl's, Marshall's/TJMaxx, Old Navy, PetSmart and many more! Some stores offer your choice of physical gift cards, e-gift cards or digital cards. Click here for information on E-gift cards and reloadable cards.

How does the tuition credit work?

Each month a report will be generated that will indicated the rebate amount you earned. This amount will be split with Montini 50/50. Tuition credits will occur at the  will appear on your tuition invoice.

When you register you will be asked who you are "Fundraising for" please list the name of your student in these fields. If you have more than one student, please only list one student. If you do not list a student, your funds will be donated to the general scholarship fund. 

NOTE: If your tuition is paid in full, either through scholarships, grants or personal payment, you will not be eligbile to receive the 50% tuition credit. However, you can donate your portion to another family via the Raise Right website or the general scholarship fund.

I work for a company and would like to place a large order, is this possible?

YES! For large, bulk orders, please contact Ximena Schumerth, Scrip Coordinator (

Can I have friends or family participate?

YES! Friends and family can participate and earn you tuition credits. 

Other Important Notes:

  • Gift cards can be reloaded through the app or online.
  • eGift Cards are delivered to the app within minutes.
  • Bonuses are offered every month and can be found in the app or online.

Montini Order Dates
The order dates are for supporters who wish to order physical gift cards and have Montini Catholic pay the shipping fee.

Orders must be submitted by 10:00am on the order date and must be prepaid.

  • September 11th
  • October 9th
  • November 13th
  • December 11th
  • January 8th
  • February 12th
  • March 12th
  • April 9th 
  • May 14th 

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